Meet Us!

Hey all! My name is Brian and that beautiful woman is my fiancee Leigh. This blog is to surprise her with the fact I do listen to her when she speaks of budgeting and successful bloggers. Things are tough for us sometimes, Leigh is pretty sick and disabled and I am a convicted felon! (More about that later folks, dont worry its nothing too bad, I learned my lesson) Being a felon means my job opportunities are some what limited. Between odd jobs and trying to go back to school, we lean on her parents and disability to pull us through but I want to be able to provide for my soon to be wife so I have put together this site in hopes of motivating myself, and other like me, to save smart and love life the way it is meant to be, full of fun, laughter and the love of a great partner. Check out some other posts I will be setting up to find the story of our life together, the debt we have and my plan to eliminate it by summer of 2017 while becoming more financially independent and giving my one love the wedding of her dreams! And also, leave a comment, good or bad. I would love to show Leigh the ideas you, the readers, have on everything!

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